
Why You Should Be Branding Your Office

For many of us, the workplace is a home away from home, we spend a lot of time in that setting, so why make it a comfortable and enjoyable place to be? Branding your office is a great opportunity to create a team-centric atmosphere that showcases your company’s pride and adds life to an often dull and neutral setting. 

importance of office branding

This blog explores the different ways you can incorporate workplace branding and build a cohesive atmosphere your team can be proud of. To chat with an expert about your interior design ideas, reach out to HQ Renovations today. 

The Benefits of Workspace Branding

Incorporating your business brand in the workplace is a fantastic way to tie your environment in with your goals. When most people think of work, they imagine a poorly lit honeycomb maze of grey cubicles with a dingy breakroom… With just a few small changes you can transform your office into a lively, comfortable work haven for employees to be proud of, and customers to be in awe of. 

Branding your office is a good opportunity to show visitors what your company is all about and help solidify your image in their minds.

Our Top Tips for Branding Your Office

1: Colour

This one might be the most obvious, but it’s also probably the simplest to achieve. Add a pop of your brand colours to the walls, chairs, or even mouse mats if you’re going for subtle. In the same way, someone might wear the colours of their favourite football team, or the colours of a flag, having a way to visually express pride for your business is perfect for building a collaborative atmosphere and letting your employees know they are part of something big. 

Have your workspace be instantly recognisable to anyone who might pass through. It’s also a good opportunity to utilise your furnishings to express what kind of business you aim to be, do you want to encapsulate high-end luxury with quilted cushions and a dreamy pallet, or are you looking for high-energy clientele that would appreciate some unique and interesting patterns? There’s a lot you can say about your business without saying a word through your workspace branding. 

2: Stationery and signage

Does your brand look good on paper? No really, your logo doesn’t just need to be for letterheads, kit your team and front desk out with branded diaries, pens, water bottles and even uniforms to create meaningful brand touchpoints that extend beyond the walls of your office.

Another great feature is to incorporate branded signage throughout your space, from safety signs to big welcome logos, put your slogans and values on the walls and showcase what your business is all about and for your clients to know where they are when they arrive!

There’s nothing worse than walking into a building where there is no company name on the door or in the reception area. Even if you work in communal offices, there will be a space to add signage 

3: Personalise

This might just be the most important one in our opinion. While we wholeheartedly believe in steps one and two, it’s this part that makes a space perfect. After building a team culture, it’s important to encourage individuality and create brand ambassadors. Consider the needs and opinions of those who are working in the environment every day.

Do they have everything to meet their specific needs to function properly as a team? Are you proudly displaying team photos by the entrance? Do you have a notice board with company news and events? It’s important for your employees to feel like part of a big team, but it’s equally important to find ways to let them know they matter as individuals, so make use of the environment you share every day and find what works for you. 


Are You Ready to Level up Your Workplace Branding? Contact HQ Renovations Today!

When the time comes for you to make your interior design vision a reality, it’s good to have a dedicated, experienced team by your side! Your perfect office space is within your reach. Get in touch with our expert team and find out how we can support your workspace branding journey.

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